What is the challenge?
Asking is an art. It requires empathy, patience, genuine interest, logical thinking and insight, a lot of insight.
Asking is hard work. It requires effort, method and continuity.
It's through intelligent questions that a company gets to know its internal and external audiences better, whether they are employees, suppliers or customers. Each of these has their aspirations and interests, as well as their disappointments and pains, which contribute or compromise the relationship with the company.
What is our solution?
Smart Asking is a Siena Company service that aims to support organizations in this challenge. Asking the right questions, in the right way, at the right time, to the right people.
This service was conceived to be offered in four modules. Each of them can be delivered individually or together, in whatever combination is in the customer's interest.
The areas of greatest demand for this service are: Marketing & Sales, Human Resources, Service Delivery, Innovation, Quality and Compliance.
- 1 . Creation
- 2 . Digitization
- 3 . Publication
- 4 . Evaluation
1 . Creation
This module is intended for customers who want to get to know an audience better, whether external or internal, but are not clear about what questions should be asked, and in some cases, how they should be asked . The use of formal or colloquial language greatly affects the receptivity of a given audience.
The delivery of this module is based on meetings between Siena Company professionals and the client to understand the symptoms and desires that the client has to better understand that public.
The deliverable is a set of questions that will produce the appropriate responses to the customer's interest.
To some, this may seem obvious. It is not. Siena Company draws on an in-depth knowledge of Critical Thinking and uses the work of Dr. Linda Elder and Dr. Richard Paul. Both are world-class experts in this field.

2 . Digitization
This module is intended for customers who already have a defined set of questions and believe that it is sufficient to achieve the results they are looking for.
The service to be performed is the transposition of the questions to a digital platform that will facilitate the distribution of the set of questions, the collection and recording of the answers and the compilation of the results.
The deliverable is the set of questions transcribed on the platform with its logic defined and ready for publication.
3 . Publication
Some clients do not have the availability of professionals, or even the interest to get involved in the publication campaign and collection of responses.
This service aims to serve these customers. And it's part of it to build and execute campaigns through the most appropriate channels depending on the context.
The most common channels are email, chat, facebook, linkedin, twitter and QR Code.
The deliverables are: campaign performance and primary response results.

4 . Evaluation
Some customers want an outside source to evaluate the results.
In this case, Siena Company has a world-class network of academics and former executives who can evaluate the results based on their theoretical knowledge and market experience.
The deliverable is a formal report from the specialist who will assess the condition of that public in relation to the company and proposals for better engagement among them.
Would you like to ask?

Siena Company awaits your contact in the expectation that your company will know more and better its audiences through our offer.
Our modules are already priced. We just need to know your needs to send you a job proposal.
Leave your contact below so we can get in touch with you.
And remember. Avoid waste. Ask the right questions with Smart Asking.